Ephraim Stern

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  • “Weights and Measures,” Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1st ed., ed. C. Roth, 16:376-388. Jerusalem: Carta/ N.Y.: Macmillan, 1972.
  • Naveh, Joseph, and Ephraim Stern. "A Stone Vessel with a Thamudic Inscription," IEJ, 24 (1974):79-83.
  • "A Hoard of Bullae of the Persian Period from the Samaria Region," Michmanim, 6 (1992):7-30 (Hebrew).
  • "Assyrian and Babylonian Elements in the Material Culture of Palestine in the Persian Period," Transeuphratène, 7 (Institut Catholic de Paris, 1994):51-62.