
From Book of Mormon Onomasticon
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Anaptyctic Relating to or resulting from anaptyxis
Anaptyxis The development of a vowel between two consonants.
Hypocoristic Denoting, or of the nature of, a shortened or diminutive form of a name.
Lexeme A word-like grammatical form intermediate between morpheme and utterance, often identical with a word occurrence; a word in the most abstract sense, as a meaningful form without an assigned grammatical role; an item of vocabulary.
Onomasticon A vocabulary or lexicon of (especially personal) proper names, usually presented in alphabetical order. In early use also: a list of nouns; a lexicon. Frequently used in titles.
Phoneme A unit of sound in a language that cannot be analyzed into smaller linear units and that can distinguish one word from another (e.g. /p/ and /b/ in English pat, bat).
Propinquity Nearness in nature, association, etc.; similarity, affinity.
Root The consonantal base of Semitic/Egyptian/Afro-Asiatic words that carries the meaning of the word.
Syntagm A set of linguistic forms in a sequential relationship; esp. a string of syntactically related words.
Syntagma A set of linguistic forms in a sequential relationship; esp. a string of syntactically related words.
Theophoric Bearing or containing the name of a god.
Vorlage The source behind a word or a manuscript.

All definitions brought to you by the Oxford English Dictionary