Names by Plates

From Book of Mormon Onomasticon
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Small Plates of Nephi (1 Nephi-Omni)

  • ABINADOM (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • ABRAHAM (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ADAM (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • AHAZ (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • AIATH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • AMALEKI (Lehite PN) (Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • AMARON (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • AMMON (Mulekite PN)(Lehite PN)(Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • AMOZ (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ANATHOTH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ARPAD (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ASSYRIA (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ASSYRIAN (Biblical noun)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • BABYLON (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • BASHAN (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • BATH (Biblical noun)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • BENJAMIN (Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • BETHABARA (Biblical GN)(Small Plates)
  • BOUNTIFUL (Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • CALNO (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • CARCHEMISH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • CHALDEANS (Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • CHALDEES (Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • CHEMISH (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • CORIANTUMR (Jaredite PN)(Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and the Plates of Ether
  • CUSH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • DAMASCUS (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • DAVID (Lehite GN)(Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • DEVIL (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • EDEN (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • EDOM (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • EGYPT (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • EGYPTIAN(S) (Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ELAM (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ENOS (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • EPHAH (Biblical noun)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • EPHRAIM (Jaredite GN)(Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Plates of Ether and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • EVE (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • GALILEE (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • GALLIM (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • GEBA (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • GEBIM (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • GIBEAH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • GOMORRAH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • HAMATH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • HOMER (Biblical unit of measure)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • HOREB (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • HOSANNA (Biblical noun)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • IMMANUEL (Biblical DN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • IRREANTUM (Lehite GN)(Small Plates)
  • ISAAC (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ISAIAH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ISHMAEL (Lehite PN)(Nephite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ISHMAELITES (Lehite gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • ISRAEL (Biblical PN)(Biblical GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JACOB (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JACOBITES (Lehite gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • JAROM (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • JEBERECHIAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JEHOVAH (Biblical DN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JERUSALEM (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JESSE (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JESUS (Biblical DN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • JEW(S) (Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JOHN (Biblical PN)(Small Plates)
  • JORDAN (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JOSEPH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JOSEPHITES (Lehite gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • JOTHAM (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • JUDAH (Biblical PN)(Biblical gentilic)(Biblical GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • LABAN (Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • LAISH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • LAMAN (Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • LAMANITE(S) (Lehite gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • LEBANON (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • LEHI (Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • LEMUEL (Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • LEMUELITES (Lehite gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • LIAHONA (Lehite noun)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • LUCIFER (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MADMENAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MANASSEH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MANNA (Biblical noun)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MEDES (Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MESSIAH (Biblical DN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • MICHMASH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MIDIAN (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MIGRON (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MOAB (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MOSES (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • MOSIAH (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • NAHOM (Lehite GN)(Small Plates)
  • NAPHTALI (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • NAZARETH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates)
  • NEPHI (Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Lehite gentilic)(Lehite Title)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • NEPHITE(S) (Lehite gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • NEUM (Brass Plates PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • NOB (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • OMNI (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • OPHIR (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • OREB (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • PALESTINA (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • PATHROS (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • PEKAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • PHARAOH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • PHILISTINES (Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • RAHAB (Biblical noun)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • RAMATH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • RED SEA (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • REDEEMER (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • REMALIAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • REZIN (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SAM (Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • SAMARIA (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SARAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SARIAH (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • SATAN (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SAUL (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SERAPHIM (Biblical noun)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SHAZER (Lehite GN)(Small Plates)
  • SHEARJASHUB (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SHEREM (Lehite PN)(Small Plates)
  • SHILOAH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SHINAR (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SINIM (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SODOM (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SOLOMON (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SYRIA (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • SYRIANS (Biblical gentilic)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • TABEAL (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • TARSHISH (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • URIAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • UZZIAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ZARAHEMLA) (Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • ZEBULUN (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ZECHARIAH (Biblical PN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ZEDEKIAH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ZENOCK (Brass Plates PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates and also occurs in the Large Plates
  • ZENOS (Brass Plates PN)(Small Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates and also occurs in the Large Plates
  • ZION (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section and mentioned as being on the Brass Plates
  • ZORAM (Lehite PN)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates
  • ZORAMITE(S) (Lehite gentilic)(Small Plates); also occurs in the Large Plates

Plates of Mormon, an abridgment from the Large Plates of Nephi (Words of Mormon-Mormon & Moroni)

Brass Plates

Parts that we know correspond with the Old Testament:
  • AARON (Jaredite PN)(Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates, occurs on the Large Plates
  • ABEL (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates, occurs on the Large Plates
  • ABRAHAM (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ADAM (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • AHAZ (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • AIATH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • AMOZ (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ANATHOTH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ARPAD (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ASSYRIA (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ASSYRIAN (Biblical noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • BABYLON (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • BASHAN (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • BATH (Biblical noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • BOAZ (Lehite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • CAIN (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • CALNO (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • CARCHEMISH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • CHALDEANS (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • CHALDEES (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • CHERUBIM (Biblical noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • CUSH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • DAMASCUS (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • DAVID (Lehite GN)(Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • DEVIL (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates
  • EDEN (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • EDOM (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • EGYPT (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • EGYPTIAN(S) (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ELAM (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • EPHAH (Biblical noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • EPHRAIM (Jaredite GN)(Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and the Plates of Ether and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • EVE (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates
  • GALILEE (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • GALLIM (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • GEBA (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • GEBIM (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • GIBEAH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • GOMORRAH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • HAMATH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • HOMER (Biblical unit of measure)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • HOREB (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • IMMANUEL (Biblical DN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ISAAC (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates
  • ISAIAH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ISHMAEL (Lehite PN)(Nephite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • ISRAEL (Biblical PN)(Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ISRAELITES (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • JACOB (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JEBERECHIAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JEHOVAH (Biblical DN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JEREMIAH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates and occurs in the Large Plates
  • JERUSALEM (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JESSE (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JEW(S) (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JORDAN (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JOSEPH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • JOSHUA (Nephite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • JOTHAM (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • JUDAH (Biblical PN)(Biblical gentilic)(Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • LABAN (Lehite PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates
  • LAISH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • LEAH (Lehite noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • LEBANON (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • LEVI (Jaredite PN)(Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • LUCIFER (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MADMENAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MANASSEH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MANNA (Biblical noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • MEDES (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MELCHIZEDEK (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • MICHMASH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MIDIAN (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MIGRON (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MOAB (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • MOSES (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • NAPHTALI (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • NOAH (Biblical PN)(Jaredite PN)(Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates and also occurs in the Plates of Ether
  • NOB (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • OPHIR (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • OREB (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • PALESTINA (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • PATHROS (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • PEKAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • PHARAOH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates
  • PHILISTINES (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • RAHAB (Biblical noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • RAMATH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • RED SEA (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • REMALIAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • REZIN (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SALEM (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • SAMARIA (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SARAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SATAN (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • SAUL (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SETH (Jaredite PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates and occurs in the Plates of Ether
  • SERAPHIM (Biblical noun)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SHEARJASHUB (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SHILOAH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SHINAR (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SINAI (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Large Plates
  • SINIM (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SODOM (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SOLOMON (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • SYRIA (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • SYRIANS (Biblical gentilic)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • TABEAL (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • TARSHISH (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • URIAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • UZZIAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ZEBULUN (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ZECHARIAH (Biblical PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and only mentioned in the Isaiah section
  • ZEDEKIAH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • ZION (Biblical GN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates and mentioned in the Isaiah section
Parts that we suppose are on the Brass Plates:
  • NEUM (Brass Plates PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates
  • ZENOCK (Brass Plates PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • ZENOS (Brass Plates PN)(Brass Plates); mentioned as being on the Brass Plates occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates

Plates of Ether

Isaiah Section

  • ABRAHAM (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • AHAZ (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • AIATH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • AMOZ (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ANATHOTH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ARPAD (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ASSYRIA (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ASSYRIAN (Biblical noun)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • BABYLON (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • BASHAN (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • BATH (Biblical noun)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • CALNO (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • CARCHEMISH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • CHALDEANS (Biblical gentilic)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • CHALDEES (Biblical gentilic)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • CUSH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • DAMASCUS (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • DAVID (Lehite GN)(Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • EDEN (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • EDOM (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • EGYPT (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • EGYPTIAN(S) (Biblical gentilic)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • ELAM (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • EPHAH (Biblical noun)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • EPHRAIM (Jaredite GN)(Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and the Plates of Ether
  • GALILEE (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • GALLIM (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • GEBA (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • GEBIM (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • GIBEAH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • GOMORRAH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • HAMATH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • HOMER (Biblical unit of measure)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • IMMANUEL (Biblical DN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ISAIAH (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • ISRAEL (Biblical PN)(Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • JACOB (Biblical PN)(Lehite PN)(Lehite GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • JEBERECHIAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • JEHOVAH (Biblical DN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • JERUSALEM (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • JESSE (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • JEW(S) (Biblical gentilic)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • JORDAN (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • JOTHAM (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • JUDAH (Biblical PN)(Biblical gentilic)(Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • LAISH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • LEBANON (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • LUCIFER (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • MADMENAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • MANASSEH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • MEDES (Biblical gentilic)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • MICHMASH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • MIDIAN (Biblical GN)(Lehite GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • MIGRON (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • MOAB (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • NAPHTALI (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • NOB (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • OPHIR (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • OREB (Biblical GN)(Small Plates); only mentioned in Isaiah section
  • PALESTINA (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • PATHROS (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • PEKAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • PHILISTINES (Biblical gentilic)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • RAHAB (Biblical noun)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • RAMATH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • RED SEA (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates
  • REMALIAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • REZIN (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SAMARIA (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SARAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates
  • SAUL (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SERAPHIM (Biblical noun)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SHEARJASHUB (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SHILOAH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SHINAR (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SINIM (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SODOM (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SYRIA (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • SYRIANS (Biblical gentilic)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • TABEAL (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • TARSHISH (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • URIAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • UZZIAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ZEBULUN (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ZECHARIAH (Biblical PN)(Isaiah Section); only mentioned in Isaiah section, occurs in the Small Plates
  • ZION (Biblical GN)(Isaiah Section); occurs in the Small Plates and Large Plates