Laman / Lamen / Lamman / Lammun Variants

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Variant Spelling of LAMAN

1 Nephi 7:6, 8; 8:35

    O  Lamen
    P-2013: Laman RLDS 1908 

Alma 55:4

    O: Lamman > Lamam > Lamans In Alma 55:4, Cowdery spelled the name as Lamman, then Lamam, then Lamans in O. [The corrected spelling Lamans in O of Alma 55:4 is not a variant, but rather intended for the genitive Laman[‘]s.]
     P: Laman 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908
Alma 55:5
     O: Lamman > Laman
     P: Laman 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908 Discussion: In three instances in 1 Nephi, Laman was misspelled as Lamen.  In Alma 55:5, he spelled Lamman, then corrected to Laman in O. 

Summary: These are scribal errors; Laman is the correct form

Other occurrences not discussed in ATV: 1 Nephi Preface:Heading; 2:5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18; 3:11 (2x), 14, 28 (3x), 31; 4:28; 8:4, 17, 36; 16:12, 20, 37, 38; 18:11; 2 Nephi 1:28; 4:3, 8, 9, 13; Mosiah 7:21; 9:10, 11, 13; 10:6, 18; 24:3 (2x), 9; Alma 3:7; 18:38, 24:29; 43:13; 55:6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15; 56:3; 3 Nephi 9:10

Source: ATV 4:2699-2700; OM 83; CriText, 2nd ed. II:857 incorrectly reads Lammun in O, instead of the correct Lamman.