From Book of Mormon Onomasticon
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Lehite PN 1. Member of GADIANTON BAND, brother of Chief Judge SEEZORAM; ca. 23 BC both were murdered (Helaman 9:26)

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The element antum occurs in several Book of Mormon names, but remains unexplained. Perhaps in this name it is not a separate element, but the name rather consists of sean and the ending tum. Possible Semitic roots would include š/ś/sʿn š/ś/sʾn.

Other suggestions include EGYPTIAN prefix s3, “son” (JAT) and cognate of EGYPTIAN Hittite Sandon, Sandas (LID, 32, ABM, 238).

Cf. Book of Mormon ANTUM, SEEZORAM, et al., TEANCUM


Deseret Alphabet: 𐐝𐐀𐐈𐐤𐐓𐐊𐐣
