Midian / Mideon Variants

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Variant Spellings of MIDIAN


2 Nephi 20:26
P: Mideon
1830-1981: Midian

Discussion: This name was probably mispelled because of the name Gideon.

Summary: A scribal error; KJV Midian is correct.

Source: ATV 2:757-58, 6:3579.


Alma 24:5
O: Medeon >+ Midian
P: Midion >+ Midian
1830-1981: Midian


Alma 24:5
O: Medeon >+ Midian
P: Midion >+ Midian
1830-1981: Midian

Discussion: Spelled Medeon but later corrected to Midian in O; Midion first then Midian in P. It could be that Cowdery heard Joseph Smith wrong because of the stress the name was given, or that Joseph Smith misread the name Middoni as if it read Middion.

Summary: Skousen thinks should read as Middoni.

Source: ATV 4:2101-4.