From Book of Mormon Onomasticon
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NEHOR Jaredite GN 1. City and land (Ether 7: 4, 9) Lehite PN 2. Apostate, executed ca. 91 B.C. (Alma 1: 15; 6: 7) 3. Apostate group named from No. 2, termed “order of NEHOR”, “order and faith of NEHOR” , or “profession of NEHOR” No etymology is suggested for this Jaredite GN. It is possible, indeed likely, that the Lehites PN derives from Jaredite. Note also that of the great apostate preachers of the Book of Mormon, SHEREM, NEHOR and KORIHOR, the latter two bear names that probably are Jaredite in origin, which may say something about those involved in apostate movements. If biblical names can be appealed to for Jaredite etymologies, compare biblical nāḥōr, Nahor, the grandfather of Rebecca. There is also a city in the Balikh valley of Old Babylonian SYRIA called naḥur. Also note the Palmyrene PN nḥwr (JH). Reynolds, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, VI, p. 37, suggested the derivation from Hebrew nāhār, “river.” Even less likely is Egyptian nḥr, belonging to Horus” (JAT). See Book of Mormon DESOLATION of NEHORs