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Biblical GN 1. An ancient city (2 Nephi 12:16 = Isaiah 2:16)


TARSHISH is the name of an ancient city mentioned in the ISAIAH section of the Book of Mormon but not as a separate PN or GN in the Book of Mormon. A GN for Tartessus in Spain[1] or HEBREW taršîš, possibly referring to a "refinery" and the ships that carried the refined products.[2]


Deseret Alphabet: 𐐓𐐂𐐡𐐟𐐆𐐟 (tɑːrʃɪʃ)


  1. LDS 1979 "Bible Dictionary," 780.
  2. David Baker, "Tarshish," in Freedman, ed., Anchor Bible Dictionary, VI:332.