Kishkumen / Kishcumen Variant
Kishkumen / Kishcumen Variant
-Helaman 1:9; 2:7b
O: Kishcumen/Kishcamen
PA: Kishkumen 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908
-Helaman 1:11, 2:11
PA: Kishkumen 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908
-Helaman 1:10; 12a; 2:3, 4, 5b
O: Kishcumen
PA: Kishkumen 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908
-Helaman 2:5a
O: Kishcumer > Kishcumen
PA: Kishkumen 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908
-Helaman 2:7a
O: Keshcumen > Kishcumen
PA: Kishkumen 1930 – 1981 RLDS 1908
-Helaman 2:8b
O: ( )cumen
PA: Kishkumen 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908
-Helaman 2:9b
O: ( )shcumen
PA: Kishkumen 1830 – 1981 RLDS 1908
Discussion: Spelled Kishcumen in all instances of O. For some reason Cowdery changed every instance of c to a k in P, even though there is no manuscript evidence for this change; perhaps he thought the c looked strange after sh, or he was influenced by the first k of the word. In any event, it was a conscious change. In the instances where Kishcumen ends in –camen, the a could also easily be a u.
Summary: Skousen accepts Kishcumen
Other occurrences not discussed in ATV: Helaman 2:8a, 9a,; 6:;18, 24; 3 Nephi 9:10 (none of which are extant in O)
Source: ATV 3:1371, 1606, 5:2881-82, 6:3636-37