Giddianhi / Gaddianhi Variant

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Variant spelling of GIDDIANHI

3 Nephi 3:9

P, 1837-1981: Giddianhi
1830: Gaddianhi > Giddianhi

3 Nephi 4:9

P, 1837-1981: Giddianhi
1830: Gaddianhi

3 Nephi 4:8

P: Giddianhis > Giddianhi
1830-1981: Giddianhi
Discussion: The 1830 compositor probably set the name as Gaddianhi initially under the influence of Gaddianton, which occurred alongside Gaddianton in the text. In 3 Nephi 4:8, Cowdery corrected Giddianhis because it was a double genitive, and erroneously read the army of Giddianhi(')s; see Alma 46:24 for full discussion of double genitives (ATV 4:2548-51; 5:3243).

Source: ATV 4:2550; 5:3223-24, 3243.