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Lehite GN 1. LAMANITE lannd, ca. 178 BC (Mosiah 10:7; 11:12; 19:6; 20:1; 24:1; Alma 23:12)


A good possibility is HEBREW śimlâ, "cloak, cover," with the well-known ending -ōn (good form for a GN), hence SHEMLON "covered place" (JH), or "place of the cloak" (PYH). Cf. biblical PN Samlah (Genesis 36:36).

Less likely is something like Arabic samala "to scoop, gouge, tear out," which might apply if the land of SHEMLON was in a depression--perhaps requiring a tower in NEPHI to view the LAMANITES coming from that lower elevation or depression (JAT).

SHEMLON may be composed of HEBREW šēm, "name," and lyn/lwn, "to rest," "to lodge," "to spend the night." The resulting noun chain, *šēmlôn, might mean "name of the dwelling." HEBREW šēm and mālôn, "lodging-place," would require a vowel between the m and the l, e.g., *šēmālôn, but the Book of Mormon spelling does not have the called-for vowel.

Despite misgivings by Jo Ann Hackett and Paul Hoskisson, this may simply be a dialectical variant on the biblical PN and GN Shimron/Shimrom (Genesis 46:13; Numbers 26:24; Joshua 11:1; 19:15; 1 Chronicles 7:1), and GN Shimron-Meron (Joshua 12:20), which may, as Pedro Olavarria suggests, be derived from HEBREW šāmar "to guard, keep, watch," with possible word-play based on that meaning in Mosiah 10:7 "guard against them" (cf. Isaiah 62:6; Judges 7:19)--through a plausible interchange[1] of -l- and -r- (ישראל=EGYPTIAN Ysyri3r,[2] '3šir; אשקלון= Eg. Iśq3rn3; כלא= Eg. qrt, qrit, qriw "bolt, lock," Dem. ql3t; קרב= Arab. qalb, qulūb; Akk. Aššur-bâni-apli "Ashurbanipal">HEBREW ʾĀsnappar). The same root is the source of several other biblical names, including Shomer, Shamir, Shamur, Shemer, Shimrith, Shimrath, Shemariah, and SAMARIA (šōmrôn= Akk. Śamerīnāya[3]). These same considerations would apply to a homonymous HEBREW verb šāmar "to rage" (Akkadian šamāru),[4] in a participial or nominal form meaning "rage, fury."

A derivation from North-West Semitic sml "statue, image," is very unlikely, since the HEBREW /s/ (samekh) seldom changes to /š/, as SHEMLON would require.

Less likely perhaps is a derivation from HEBREW śěmʾol "left, on the left hand; north" (RFS), plus the ending -ōn. This would make good sense if SHEMLON were "north" of NEPHI (JAT). the difficulty with this reading is the glottal-stop-vowel (ʾaleph) between -m- and -l-, required in order to break up the consonant cluster (cf. Mari śimʾal; Akkadian šumēlu, šumēlû[5]). However, Palmyrene šml "left, north,"[6] and the ready acceptance of consonant clusters in Late EGYPTIAN and Coptic, suggest that SHEMLON could indeed be so derived and expressed.



Deseret Alphabet: 𐐟𐐇𐐣𐐢𐐊𐐤 (ʃɛmlʌn)


  1. Lipiński, Semitic Languages, § 2.4, "Egyptian did not distinguish between r and l in their script"; Antonio Loprieno, Ancient Egyptian, Table 3.1 note c, shows that the lateral dental /l/ "is frequently conveyed by <n> and <r>, more rarely by <3>."
  2. E.A.W. Budge, A Hieroglyphic Dictionary. (London: John Murray, 1920/reprint Dover, 1978.), 965, citing Israel Stele 27, and El Amarna Letters.
  3. Hayim ben Yosef Tawil, An Akkadian Lexical Companion for Biblical Hebrew: Etymological-Semantic and Idiomatic Equivalents with Supplement on Biblical Aramaic. (Jersey City: KTAV, 2009.), 460.
  4. Ibid., 412-13, citing "Š," Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago. (Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010), 296a, and Wolfram von Soden. Akkadisches Handwörterbuch: unter Benutzung des lexikalischen Nachlasses von Bruno Meissner (1968-1947). (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1965),1154a.
  5. Ibid., 378, citing "Š," Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago. (Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010), 267b, 272a, and Wolfram von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch: unter Benutzung des lexikalischen Nachlasses von Bruno Meissner (1969-1947). (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1965), 1271.
  6. J. Hoftijzer and K. Jongeling. Dictionary of North-West Semitic Inscriptons, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1995.)