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Biblical GN 1. Nation of (1 Nephi 5:14, 15; 17:40; 19:10; 2 Nephi 3:4, 10; 4:1; 17:18; 20:24, 26; 21:11, 16; 25:20; Mosiah 7:19; 12:34; Alma 10:3; 36:28; Ether 13:7); variant egipt (Oms at 1 Nephi 5:14), a spelling found in Old English (Chaucer).
2. Sea (2 Nephi 21:15 = Isaiah 11:15)
Biblical gentilic 3. Language and/or script of EGYPT (1 Nephi 1:2; Mosiah 1:4; Mormon 9:32)
4. People of EGYPT (1 Nephi 1:2; 17:23, 27; Alma 29:12; 36:28; Helaman 8:11)


Same as HEBREW eponymous GN Mizraim = HEBREW miṣrayîm "Egypt, Two-borders" (Genesis 10:6, 13-20),[1] which is a dual form reflecting ancient EGYPTIAN(S) duals as names for EGYPT, T3wy "Two-lands," and ʾIdbwy "Two-shores" (cf. Babylonian matMi-ṣir, Ugaritic Mṣrm).

"The tongue of the Egyptian sea" in 2 Nephi 21:15 is ''lěŝôn yām-miṣrayîm (Isaiah 11:15), which is alluded to later by Zechariah (10:11). "Tongue" here may refer to the "gulf, bay" of the RED SEA or of the Mediterranean Sea adjacent to EGYPT, based on the usage in Joshua 15:2, 5; 18:19.[2]

The EGYPTIANS termed their language mdt-rmt n Km(t) "Egyptian-speech, -nationality" (= Coptic ΜΝΤΡΜΝΚΗΜΕ),[3] which is literally "speech of the people of Egypt."

See also Egypt Variant


egipt, Egytt, egift, EGYPTIAN(S)

Deseret Alphabet: 𐐀𐐖𐐆𐐑𐐓 (iːdʒɪpt), 𐐣𐐖𐐆𐐑𐐓 (mdʒɪpt)


  1. LDS "Bible Dictionary," 660-661, 733.
  2. G. M. Matheny, Exodus (Xulon Press, 2011), 160.
  3. KHw, 96.