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Lehite PN 1. NEPHITE disciple (3 Nephi 19:4)


The PN TIMOTHY refers to a disciple called by the risen Lord in 3 Nephi 19:4. The PN TIMOTHY derives from the Greek timotheos, "honoring God" or "honored by God."

The occurrence of names of Greek origin suggests the possibility of Greek contacts with the eastern Mediterranean in antiquity. Since the late second millennium B.C. Syrians and Phoenicians had trading contacts with the Aegean kingdoms, and in the first millennium B.C. Greek mercenaries and merchants maintained a significant and ongoing presence in Syro-Palestinian territories.[1]


Deseret Alphabet: 𐐓𐐆𐐣𐐄𐐛𐐆 (tɪmoʊθɪ)


  1. Stephen D. Ricks, "I Have a Question: The name of one of the Lord's disciples listed in 3 Nephi 19:4TIMOTHY—seems to be Greek in origin. Is there an Explanation for the Appearance of a Greek Name in the Book of Mormon?" Enisgn 22/10 (October 1992): 53-54.