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Perhaps a [[JAREDITES|J<small>AREDITE</small>]] carryover, like [[SHEUM|S<small>HEUM</small>]], which see.  Possibly composed with Old Akkadian ''ás'', “resin, seed, cereal, emmer-wheat,” from Akkadian ''áš'', '''', ''ás'', ''áz'', ''áṣ'' (<sup>ú</sup>ÁŠ/ZÍZ, ZĪZU II) “resin; emmer-wheat, cereal-food; dry-measure of 3 BAN”<ref>Borger, ''Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon'', 548, noting also that ÁŠ(ZIZ)-AN-NA = ''kunāšu'' “emmer”; cf. von Soden, ''AHw'', 506  (cf. also Deimel, ŠL, 339.1,10,22,38; CAD, “A,” I/II:234a).</ref> – used, for example, in <sup>ú</sup>ÁŠ.DUG.GA “opium poppy,” in the name of the Sumerian grain-goddess, Ashnan (M. Civil), ''asnan'',<ref>Black, George, and Postgate, ''Concise Dictionary of Akkadian'', 28; CAD, “A,” I/II:450-452.</ref> and in A.ŠA, ''aš-šum'' “field” (= GÁN).<ref>Von Soden, ''AHw'', I:85 mB/mA ''ašû'' IV “arable land?; Ellermeier, ''Sumerisches Glossar'', I/1, ''Sumerisches Lautwerte'', 1:22; 2:607.</ref>
John Sorenson has made the most likely suggestion, that NEAS is the same as Mixe ''nij'' “chili-pepper,”<ref>Sorenson, ''Mormon’s Codex'', 306 n. 8.</ref> which aligns with Paul Hoskisson’s notion that NEAS may have been borrowed into Lehite from a native, indigenous vocabel, perhaps along the lines of huauzontle, chia, teosinte, quinoa, amaranth, jocote (mombin), manioc (cassava),<ref>Manioc was recently discovered at Ceren, El Salvador, to be dated 1400 years ago to the time of a massive volcanic eruption [ "First Ancient Manioc Fields in America Discovered"] , and [  "Maya Intensively Cultivated Manioc 1,400 Years Ago"].</ref> or other grain or food plant native to the Americas and unknown to Joseph Smith.<ref>Sorenson, ''Mormon’s Codex'', 305; indeed, Sorenson notes that Hebrew ''pôl'' “bean,ought to be compared to Maya ''bol'', ''buul'' “bean” (306).</ref>  

Cf. Old & Late Babylonian ''nušû'', ''nešu'', a plant of some sort (PYH).<ref>Von Soden, ''AHw'', II:806; ''CAD'', “N,” 11, part II:355.</ref>
And thus, perhaps a [[JAREDITES|J<small>AREDITE</small>]] carryover (like [[SHEUM|S<small>HEUM</small>]], which see). Possibly composed with Akkadian nominal prefix ''na-'', ''ne-'' added to Old Akkadian ''ás'', “resin, seed, cereal, emmer-wheat,” from Akkadian ''áš'', ''aś'', ''ás'', ''áz'', ''áṣ'' (<sup>ú</sup>ÁŠ/ ZÍZ, ZĪZU II) “resin; emmer-wheat, cereal-food; dry-measure of 3 BAN”<ref>[[Rykle Borger, ''Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon''. 2nd ed. AOAT 305. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.|''Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexicon'']] no. 548 (p. 361), noting also that ÁŠ(ZIZ)-AN-NA = ''kunāšu'' “emmer”; cf. von Soden, [[W. Von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1965–1981.|''Akkadisches Handwörterbuch'']], 506  (cf. also Deimel, ''ŠL'', 339.1,10,22,38; [[Chicago Assyrian Dictionary = Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago. Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010.|''Chicago Assyrian Dictionary'']], “A,” I/II:234a).</ref> – used, for example, in <sup>ú</sup>ÁŠ.DUG.GA “opium poppy,” in the name of the Sumerian grain-goddess, Ashnan (M. Civil), ''asnan'',<ref>Black, George, and Postgate, ''Concise Dictionary of Akkadian'', 28; [[Chicago Assyrian Dictionary = Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago. Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010.|''Chicago Assyrian Dictionary'']], “A,” I/II:450-452.</ref> and in A.ŠA, ''aš-šum'' “field” (= GÁN).<ref>Von Soden, [[W. Von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1965–1981.|''Akkadisches Handwörterbuch'']], I:85 mB/mA ''ašû'' IV “arable land?”; Ellermeier, ''Sumerisches Glossar'', I/1, ''Sumerisches Lautwerte'', 1:22; 2:607.</ref>  Possibly same as Akkadian ''eša'' (A.TIR), ''tu''<sub>7</sub>''-eša'' (''-sig''<sub>5</sub>), ''zi''<sub>3</sub> R, a fine grade flour, mostly derived from emmer = ''sasqûm'', and as the name of “an unidentified cereal” in cuneiform texts.<ref>David I. Owen and Gordon D. Young. "Ur III Texts in the Zion Research Library, Boston."  [[Journal of Cuneiform Studies|''JCS'']], 23/4 (1971):98, texts 6:4,6 “''eša''-flour”; [[Rykle Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon. 2nd ed. AOAT 305. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.|''Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexicon'']], no. 839 (p. 437).</ref>  Perhaps prefixed with Sumerian NE “fire; burn” (Akkadian ''kinūnu''),<ref>ePSD.</ref> as prefix to a word (*NE-as) for hot-pepper, chili-pepper (as in Mixe-Zoque, the ethno-linguistic base in the Grijalva River Basin of Southern Mexico).

Cf. also Akkadian ''eša'' (A.TIR) as the name of “an unidentified cereal” in cuneiform texts.<ref>Owen & Young, ''JCS'', 23/4 (1971):98, texts 6:4,6 “''eša''-flour”; Borger, ''ML'', 839.</ref>
Cf. Old & Late Babylonian ''nušû'', ''nešu'', a plant of some sort ([[Paul Y. Hoskisson|PYH]])<ref>Von Soden, [[W. Von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1965–1981.|''Akkadisches Handwörterbuch'']], II:806; [[Chicago Assyrian Dictionary = Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago. Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010.|''Chicago Assyrian Dictionary'']], “N,” 11, part II:355.</ref> = Sumerian a ha-an "Wasser-Absonderung, flüssiges Sekret, Erbrochenes" o. "stinkende Flüssigkeit" ''na-šu'', ''nušû'' (Attinger 550f.+1523f.).<ref>''Leipzig-Münchner Sumerischer Zettelkasten'' (Sept 2006), 17, online at .</ref> Old Akkadian ''nušû'', ''šuhatinnu'' (= Sumerian za-ha-din, za-ha-din<sup>sar</sup>, šum<sub>2</sub>za-ha-din, za-ha-ti<sup>sar</sup>, zu-ha-ti-nu, sum-ha-din<sup>sar</sup> "a plant, a leek?").<ref>ePSD; Akkadian ''šuhatinnu'' is a type of onion.</ref>

PYH suggests that it might have been borrowed into Lehite from a native, indigenous vocabel, perhaps along the lines of quinoa, amaranth, jocote (mombin), manioc (cassava),<ref>Manioc was recently discovered at Ceren, El Salvador, to be dated 1400 years ago to the time of a massive volcanic eruption ( , and ).</ref> chile, or other grains or food plants native to the Americas and unknown to Joseph Smith.
Benjamin Urrutia suggested ''nys'' “anise,” but failed to indicate the source language.<ref>J. L. Sorenson, 1980 letter.</ref>  However, he may have intended Demotic ''Зmys'' “anise; dill”<ref>Černý, ''Coptic Etym''. 35; Westendorf, [[Wolfhart Westendorf, Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Heidelberg: C. Winter Universitätsverlag, 1965.|''Koptisches Handwörterbuch'']], 36.</ref> > Copt. ''emise'', ''amici''; Greek ''anēthon'', ''anison'' > Latin ''anisum''.<ref>Černý, ''Coptic Etym''. 35; Westendorf, [[Wolfhart Westendorf, Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Heidelberg: C. Winter Universitätsverlag, 1965.|''Koptisches Handwörterbuch'']], 36.</ref>

Benjamin Urrutia suggested ''nys'' “anise,” but failed to indicate the source language.<ref>J. L. Sorenson, 1980 letter.</ref>  However, he may have intended Demotic ''Зmys'' “anise; dill”<ref>Černý, ''Coptic Etym''. 35; Westendorf, ''KHw'', 36.</ref> > Copt. ''emise'', ''amici''; Greek ''anēthon'', ''anison'' > Latin ''anisum''.<ref>Černý, ''Coptic Etym''. 35; Westendorf, ''KHw'', 36.</ref>
Hugh Nibley long ago argued that “the fact that Nephite weights and measures bear ''Jaredite'' names indicates long cultural overlap” with the [[NEPHITE(S)|N<small>EPHITES</small>]] or people of [[ZARAHEMLA|Z<small>ARAHEMLA</small>]].<ref>Nibley, ''Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites'' (1952) = Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, V ([[Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies|FARMS]]/Deseret, 1988):246.</ref>
Hugh Nibley long ago argued that “the fact that Nephite weights and measures bear ''Jaredite'' names indicates long cultural overlap” with the [[NEPHITE(S)|N<small>EPHITES</small>]] or people of [[ZARAHEMLA|Z<small>ARAHEMLA</small>]].<ref>Nibley, ''Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites'' (1952) = Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, V (FARMS/Deseret, 1988):246.</ref>

See [[SHEUM|S<small>HEUM</small>]].
See [[SHEUM|S<small>HEUM</small>]].
Line 26: Line 24:
See also [[Neas Variants]]
See also [[Neas Variants]]


Black, J., A. George, and N. Postgate, eds. ''A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian''.  Wiesbaden:
[[Neas Variants]]
Harrassowitz, 2000.

Borger, Rykle.  ''Mespotamisches Zeichenlexikon'', AOAT 305.  Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2004.
'''[[Deseret Alphabet]]:''' 𐐤𐐀𐐈𐐞 (niːæz)

''CAD'' – ''Chicago Assyrian Dictionary'' = ''Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the
Univ. of Chicago''.  Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010.

Deimel, Anton.  ''Šumerisches Lexikon'', 6 vols.  Rome: PBI, 1928.

Ellermeier, Friedrich. ''Sumerisches Glossar'', I/1: ''Sumerische Lautwerte'', 1 & 2Göttingen:
Black, J., A. George, and N. Postgate, eds. ''A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian''.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000.
F. Ellermeier, 1979-1980.

Nibley, Hugh W.  ''Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites'', 1<sup>st</sup> ed. (1952) = ''Collected Works of Hugh Nibley'' VProvo: FARMS/SLC: Deseret Book, 1988.
Borger, Rykle.  ''Mespotamisches Zeichenlexikon'', 2nd ed., [[Alter Orient und altes Testament|AOAT]] 305Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.

Owen, David I., and Gordon D. Young. “Ur III Texts in the Zion Research Library,
[[Chicago Assyrian Dictionary = Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago. Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010.|''CAD'']] – ''Chicago Assyrian Dictionary'' = ''Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago''.  Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010.
Boston,” ''Journal of Cuneiform Studies'', 23/4 (1971):95-115.

von Soden, Wolfram.  ''Akkadisches Handwörterbuch'', 3 vols.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
Deimel, Anton.  ''Šumerisches Lexikon'', 6 vols.  Rome: [[Pontifical Bible Institute, Rome publisher|PBI]], 1928.
1965-1981. ''AHw''

<div style="text-align: right;">[[Robert F. Smith|RFS]] </div>
Ellermeier, Friedrich.  ''Sumerisches Glossar'', I/1: ''Sumerische Lautwerte'', 1 & 2.  Göttingen: F. Ellermeier, 1979-1980.

ePSD – ''Pennsylania Sumerian Dictionary''.  Babylonian Section, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, online at .

[[Neas Variants]]
Nibley, Hugh W.  ''Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites'', 1<sup>st</sup> ed. (1952) = ''Collected Works of Hugh Nibley'' V.  Provo: [[Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies|FARMS]]/[[Salt Lake City|SLC]]: Deseret Book, 1988.

'''[[Deseret Alphabet]]:''' 𐐤𐐀𐐈𐐞 (niæz)
Owen, David I., and Gordon D. Young.  “Ur III Texts in the Zion Research Library, Boston,” ''Journal of Cuneiform Studies'', 23/4 (1971):95-115.

von Soden, Wolfram.  ''Akkadisches Handwörterbuch'', 3 vols.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
1965-1981.  [[W. Von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1965–1981.|''AHw'']]

[[Category:Names]][[Category:Lehite noun]]
[[Category:Names]][[Category:Lehite noun]]
<div style="text-align: center;"> [[NAZARETH|<<]] Neas [[NEHOR|>>]] </div>
==[[Name Index]]==
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Latest revision as of 08:54, 8 October 2023

Lehite noun 1. Food plant listed along with SHEUM and seeds of corn, barley, wheat, and various unspecified fruits (Mosiah 9:9)


John Sorenson has made the most likely suggestion, that NEAS is the same as Mixe nij “chili-pepper,”[1] which aligns with Paul Hoskisson’s notion that NEAS may have been borrowed into Lehite from a native, indigenous vocabel, perhaps along the lines of huauzontle, chia, teosinte, quinoa, amaranth, jocote (mombin), manioc (cassava),[2] or other grain or food plant native to the Americas and unknown to Joseph Smith.[3]

And thus, perhaps a JAREDITE carryover (like SHEUM, which see). Possibly composed with Akkadian nominal prefix na-, ne- added to Old Akkadian ás, “resin, seed, cereal, emmer-wheat,” from Akkadian áš, , ás, áz, áṣ (úÁŠ/ ZÍZ, ZĪZU II) “resin; emmer-wheat, cereal-food; dry-measure of 3 BAN”[4] – used, for example, in úÁŠ.DUG.GA “opium poppy,” in the name of the Sumerian grain-goddess, Ashnan (M. Civil), asnan,[5] and in A.ŠA, aš-šum “field” (= GÁN).[6] Possibly same as Akkadian eša (A.TIR), tu7-eša (-sig5), zi3 R, a fine grade flour, mostly derived from emmer = sasqûm, and as the name of “an unidentified cereal” in cuneiform texts.[7] Perhaps prefixed with Sumerian NE “fire; burn” (Akkadian kinūnu),[8] as prefix to a word (*NE-as) for hot-pepper, chili-pepper (as in Mixe-Zoque, the ethno-linguistic base in the Grijalva River Basin of Southern Mexico).

Cf. Old & Late Babylonian nušû, nešu, a plant of some sort (PYH)[9] = Sumerian a ha-an "Wasser-Absonderung, flüssiges Sekret, Erbrochenes" o. "stinkende Flüssigkeit" na-šu, nušû (Attinger 550f.+1523f.).[10] Old Akkadian nušû, šuhatinnu (= Sumerian za-ha-din, za-ha-dinsar, šum2za-ha-din, za-ha-tisar, zu-ha-ti-nu, sum-ha-dinsar "a plant, a leek?").[11]

Benjamin Urrutia suggested nys “anise,” but failed to indicate the source language.[12] However, he may have intended Demotic Зmys “anise; dill”[13] > Copt. emise, amici; Greek anēthon, anison > Latin anisum.[14]

Hugh Nibley long ago argued that “the fact that Nephite weights and measures bear Jaredite names indicates long cultural overlap” with the NEPHITES or people of ZARAHEMLA.[15]


Cf. Book of Mormon NEUM

See also Neas Variants


Neas Variants

Deseret Alphabet: 𐐤𐐀𐐈𐐞 (niːæz)


  1. Sorenson, Mormon’s Codex, 306 n. 8.
  2. Manioc was recently discovered at Ceren, El Salvador, to be dated 1400 years ago to the time of a massive volcanic eruption "First Ancient Manioc Fields in America Discovered" , and "Maya Intensively Cultivated Manioc 1,400 Years Ago".
  3. Sorenson, Mormon’s Codex, 305; indeed, Sorenson notes that Hebrew pôl “bean,” ought to be compared to Maya bol, buul “bean” (306).
  4. Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexicon no. 548 (p. 361), noting also that ÁŠ(ZIZ)-AN-NA = kunāšu “emmer”; cf. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, 506 (cf. also Deimel, ŠL, 339.1,10,22,38; Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, “A,” I/II:234a).
  5. Black, George, and Postgate, Concise Dictionary of Akkadian, 28; Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, “A,” I/II:450-452.
  6. Von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, I:85 mB/mA ašû IV “arable land?”; Ellermeier, Sumerisches Glossar, I/1, Sumerisches Lautwerte, 1:22; 2:607.
  7. David I. Owen and Gordon D. Young. "Ur III Texts in the Zion Research Library, Boston." JCS, 23/4 (1971):98, texts 6:4,6 “eša-flour”; Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexicon, no. 839 (p. 437).
  8. ePSD.
  9. Von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, II:806; Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, “N,” 11, part II:355.
  10. Leipzig-Münchner Sumerischer Zettelkasten (Sept 2006), 17, online at .
  11. ePSD; Akkadian šuhatinnu is a type of onion.
  12. J. L. Sorenson, 1980 letter.
  13. Černý, Coptic Etym. 35; Westendorf, Koptisches Handwörterbuch, 36.
  14. Černý, Coptic Etym. 35; Westendorf, Koptisches Handwörterbuch, 36.
  15. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites (1952) = Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, V (FARMS/Deseret, 1988):246.


Black, J., A. George, and N. Postgate, eds. A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000.

Borger, Rykle. Mespotamisches Zeichenlexikon, 2nd ed., AOAT 305. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.

CADChicago Assyrian Dictionary = Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago. Chicago: Oriental Institute/Glückstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1956-2010.

Deimel, Anton. Šumerisches Lexikon, 6 vols. Rome: PBI, 1928.

Ellermeier, Friedrich. Sumerisches Glossar, I/1: Sumerische Lautwerte, 1 & 2. Göttingen: F. Ellermeier, 1979-1980.

ePSD – Pennsylania Sumerian Dictionary. Babylonian Section, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, online at .

Nibley, Hugh W. Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites, 1st ed. (1952) = Collected Works of Hugh Nibley V. Provo: FARMS/SLC: Deseret Book, 1988.

Owen, David I., and Gordon D. Young. “Ur III Texts in the Zion Research Library, Boston,” Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 23/4 (1971):95-115.

von Soden, Wolfram. Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1965-1981. AHw

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